Online Safety
Online Safety at Marshfield Primary School
At Marshfield Primary School we are working with staff, pupils and parents/carers to create a school community which values the use of new technologies in enhancing learning, encourages responsible use of Computing, and follows agreed policies to minimise potential online safety risks.
CEOP Worried about online safety? Click this link to report to CEOP.
At School
At school we take several steps to ensure that children are kept safe while using the internet and electronic communication.
- We use targeted filtering to prevent access to websites that are not suitable or may be dangerous.
- Internet access in supervised and we monitor the websites that are accessed.
- We use a controlled email system where we monitor the children’s emails and we limit the addresses that children can communicate with. These steps are taken protect the children from unsuitable emails and identify possible cyber bullying.
- Children are also taught how to use the technology safely so that they can keep themselves safe.
Online Safety texts used at Marshfield Primary School
At Home
We appreciate parents can have a difficult job keeping up with their children on the fast changing technology available to them, let alone knowing the dangers they face. The issues of safety, privacy, online predators or grooming and cyberbullying are sometimes complex, both technically and psychologically and parents can struggle to keep up.
To help parents we have put together a selection of links to websites that will help them to ensure that their children can reap the benefits of the Internet while staying safe.
Useful links
Below are examples of website and resources which can support children at school and at home with online safety.
Here are some other useful links to use at home.
NSCC The website contains links to many resources about all aspects of child safety, including online safety.
Net Aware This website tells you everything you need to know about social media and the available apps that your child might be accessing.
Thinkyouknow A website for parents with useful FAQs about many aspects of safety online. It also has plenty of downloadable free resources and presentations on internet safety. It caters for children as young as five.
CEOP This is the special unit of the police dedicated to cyberspace and has useful information and contacts if you have concerns about child safety online.
Internet Watch Foundation The only organisation in the UK that provides an internet hotline for the public to report websites with potentially illegal content, it also features useful tips on internet safety, filters and links to other helpful organisations.
Childnet International This is a non-profit organisation working with other organisations around the world to ensure the internet is a safe place for children. The website contains lots of information and resources for parents, teachers and children.