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Design Technology


At Marshfield Primary, our Design Technology (DT) curriculum, follows the CUSP scheme which is designed with a clear intent that focusses on several key aspects:

  1. Creativity and Innovation: Encouraging children to explore their creativity and develop innovative solutions to design challenges. This involves nurturing their ability to think critically and problem-solve effectively.

  2. Understanding and Applying Technical Knowledge: Providing opportunities for students to understand and apply technical knowledge related to materials, mechanisms, structures, and systems. This includes hands-on activities where they learn about designing, making, and evaluating products.

  3. Practical Skills Development: Developing practical skills through designing and making products. This involves using a range of tools, equipment, and materials safely and effectively.

  4. Promoting Sustainability: Instilling an understanding of sustainable design principles and the importance of considering environmental impact when designing and making products.

  5. Cross-Curricular Links: Creating opportunities for cross-curricular learning, such as integrating elements of mathematics, science, and art into design projects.

  6. Cultural and Contextual Understanding: Exploring how design and technology are influenced by cultural, historical, and societal contexts. This helps students appreciate the significance of design in everyday life and across different cultures.

  7. Assessment and Feedback: Implementing effective assessment strategies to monitor progress and provide constructive feedback to students, allowing them to reflect on their work and improve their skills over time.

  8. Real-World Application: Providing experiences that connect classroom learning to real-world contexts, such as inviting guest speakers from relevant industries or organising visits to local businesses or workshops.

Our intent is to foster a passion for creativity, develop technical skills, promote sustainability, and prepare students to become confident and capable designers and makers in an increasingly technological world.