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At Marshfield Primary, we recognise the importance of Computing in preparing students for the digital world.

Our Computing curriculum, based on the Purple Mash scheme, builds on the natural curiosity of children and develops their skills in Information Technology, Coding, Computer Literacy, and E-Safety. By the time they leave us, children will be confident and proficient in using technology, ready for their time in Key Stage 3 and aware of the many opportunities that digital skills can offer.

Purple Mash -

We adopt a fully inclusive, mind-friendly approach to teaching and learning in Computing where children are sufficiently challenged in a supportive environment. Assessment for learning allows children and teachers to review the strategies and methods used in the lessons, thus always moving learning forward. All teachers follow a clear teaching sequence of progression throughout each area of Computing following the Purple Mash scheme.


The national curriculum for Computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop an understanding and proficiency in Information Technology, Coding, and Computer Literacy.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through practical applications and projects.
  • Are equipped with the knowledge required to navigate and use technology safely and responsibly, today and in the future.

Computing supports learning across the curriculum: it enhances cognitive development, provides opportunities to apply knowledge in various subjects through technology, and fosters a broader understanding of digital citizenship, preparing children for a more interconnected and technologically advanced world.

The following, taken from the Purple Mash website, outlines our curriculum throughout the year.


Year 3 using Google Slides:

Year 2 making pictures: