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Our Aims and Values

Vision and Values

Marshfield Primary School strives for “Excellence for All”, providing outstanding educational outcomes for all pupils, who have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become successful confident young adults who positively contribute to the communities they serve.

The school’s vision is to have uncompromising aspirations for all and to be an exceptional and inspirational community of lifelong learners.
The foundations for this vision are our core values, Ambition, Respect and Resilience, which underpin everything that we do at.

Our staff lead by example, demonstrating integrity, inclusivity and a commitment to lifelong learning.

Curriculum Vision

We deliver excellence for all, through a carefully considered and sequenced curriculum offer which is broad, balanced, challenging and fosters a love of learning.  We match our curriculum to the abilities, interests and aspirations of our pupils to give every child the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.

Our pupils are equipped with the academic knowledge and skills, and have developed the personal attributes needed to enable them to become successful citizens of the future. Our School Council and Connect Advisors have a prominent role at Marshfield and strengthen pupil voice and peer support.

Marshfield is a happy and safe environment underpinned by a carefully sequenced, ambitious curriculum that new knowledge and skills builds from what has come before. The academic learning is underpinned by a string emphasis on personal development and social skills.

We use our three values to underpin all we learn at Marshfield. These are threaded through everything that we do and children are rewarded with badges when they apply these values consistently.


To have the desire and determination to achieve success.


To be able to stick with a task until it is completed and to learn to try again if unsuccessful the first time round.


To learn about the varying needs of other people, living things and the environment and to show respect for the world itself.

Marshfield encourages learning to take place both in and outside the classroom with a significant focus on developing the whole child through our unique Carlton Edge offer.  Carlton Edge provides opportunities for our students to develop our core values through a range of curriculum-linked visits and cultural, educational, sporting and arts events, designed to broaden cultural capital and raise their aspirations.