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Our Curriculum

Real People, Real Places, Real Learning!

Carlton Edge is an innovative programme unique to the Trust to develop the social capital, life experiences and aspirations of students in the Trust. 

The Social Capital programme comprises of various experiences.

This includes:

  • Outdoor and adventurous trip/residential
  • Visit to the countryside
  • Visit to a major city
  • Visit to the coast
  • Visit to the theatre
  • Visit to a town/city of historical significance
  • Additional trip to the coast or countryside

Trust CEO Adrian Kneeshaw is a great advocate of the programme commenting, “The Edge programme is a significant financial commitment, but this is more than worth it when considering the huge benefits the programme brings to Carlton students”.

Learn More, Remember More, Do More!


To generate awe, wonder and wow through a creative curriculum which rigorously ensures coverage and progression in key skills and cumulatively consolidates the knowledge children obtain through experience Our curriculum is:-

  • Flexible
  • Personalised, where children are involved in planning and evaluation
  • Tailored to children’s needs and interests
  • Takes account of teachers’ passions and areas of strength as well as current local/world events
  • Allows for different learning and teaching styles
  • Rigorous
  • Includes non-negotiable skills, knowledge and understanding to ensure coverage and progression
  • Bespoke: live assessment trackers ensure no duplication
  • Fulfils and exceeds National Curriculum requirements and expectations
  • Includes a high-level of parental engagement
  • Brought to life through visits and visitors
  • Ensures that the learning of new knowledge transfers to long term memory
  • Ambitious
  • Challenging for our articulate and engaged pupils
  • Goes beyond National Curriculum expectations
  • Promotes greater depth understanding, critical thinking and oracy skills, where the understanding of new vocabulary used in context is key. The teaching of new vocabulary is not incidental accessible
  • A curriculum for all groups
  • Accessible for the whole school community
  • Aware
  • Outward-looking
  • Celebrates our diverse community, where all children have an understanding of equality and respect amongst protected characteristics
  • Promotes awareness of global issues
  • Immerses our children to a world outside their local community
  • Where cultural capital is promoted to ensure that are no limits to children’s aspirations
  • Adaptive
  • Evolves organically and because we drive it forward
  • Not static – proactive and reactive in response to different children and assessment data


  • Taken from the National Curriculum
  • Knowledge and skills broken down and layered for each year group
  • Bespoke trackers ensure progression from year to year, each year builds on the last without unnecessary duplication
  • Subject Leaders developed using resident SLEs and LEPs and a coach and learner approach to continuous CPD
  • Assessment grading system encourages challenge for more able
  • Teachers scaffold up where necessary to ensure almost all pupils can access main skills
  • British history topics taught chronologically in KS2
  • Use of core English texts across the whole school explicitly linked to curriculum topics
  • Coverage monitored termly by Subject Leaders and documented using ‘At a Glace’ summaries for each curricular area
  • Subjects assessed at the end of each term and outcomes used to inform pupil progress meetings
  • Intervention marking ensures teachers can pick up children not meeting expectations and put in appropriate provision to ensure progress
  • Marshfield Values (Ambition, Respect and Resilience) are used to promote, reward and recognise the whole child across the whole curriculum


  • A clear coherent curriculum
  • Focused learning intentions taken from skills ensure lessons have a clear learning point
  • Children have some ownership over learning - encourages engagement
  • Flexible topics – children continue their learning outside of the classroom
  • Promotes transferable skills
  • Parents and carers are actively involved in their children’s learning and are ambitious in ensuring that social mobility is promoted.

Marshfield Primary School's Curriculum Teaching Sequence

Our Curriculum. Real People, Real Places, Real Learning!

Please visit individual class pages which explain and outline each topic for this half term. The letters sent home suggesting learning activities to support your child/children's learning outside school are also exhibited here. In addition, there is also the valuable opportunity of coming into school at the end of each topic to witness learning and teaching at first hand via our Curriculum Showcase Events. Looking forward to seeing you there; to share and celebrate the wonderful work which goes on at Marshfield Primary.